Discipline: Epidémiologie


jGueganJF creditChristopheFortin MidiLibre

Jean-François GUEGAN is a theoretical ecologist and ecological parasitologist interested in the ecology, evolution and policy-decisions on human zoonotic infectious diseases and their host vectors or reservoirs.

He obtained his Ph.D. in parasite ecology and epidemiology in 1990 from the University of Montpellier (France), and did a post-doc in 1990-1991 at Exeter University in Great Britain. In 1991, he was hired as a junior researcher at IRD, the French Institute for Research on Sustainable Development.

As a full-tenured Research Professor, with the highest rank in France, he led during 16 years a research group on Dynamics of Systems and Infectious Diseases in the joint national team called UMR MIVEGEC at Montpellier. He recently joined INRA to develop a OneHealth research approach based on his previous professional experiences. He has worked on cholera, pertussis, measles, avian flus and West Nile virus through an integrative research perspective. He is now particularly involved in research on the neglected emerging tropical disease, Buruli ulcer in Africa and southern America, being an expert for WHO, and more generally on the theoretical relationships between biodiversity, climate change and emerging infectious diseases. As part of his duties at IRD and INRA, JFG is also an adjunct Professor at Montpellier University where he is teaching a course on global environmental change and health, and a Professor at EHESP, the French School of Public Health, where he is also teaching Planetary Health and is a track co-leader for courses on Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, an Erasmus Mundus Excellence in European Education training from both the EHESP’s Master of Public Health and EuroPubHealth.

Guégan is also a scientific adviser for the global research project oneHEALTH from the U.N.E.P. FutureEarth programme. He is responsible for the writing of up to 160 international scientific papers, 11 hard-books and up to 150 international conferences.

As a former fellow of the French High Council for Public Health, he (co)-led different French national reports on Climate Change and Health, Adaptation to Climate Change, and Emerging Infectious Diseases: research actions and planning. He is responsible for organizing an annual research action Seminar, called School of Val-de-Grâce’s Seminar, on emerging infections to improve sensitization of political leaders and civil society actors on societal risks associated with these new emerging threats. He has been the PI or co-Pi of 14 national and international grants, 9 of which on the epidemiology of infectious diseases.

 (Credit photo: ChristopheFortin, Midi Libre)